Secure Print+
Ensures that confidential or sensitive documents do not print until the user authenticates by entering a PIN or via an NFC card on the machine's integrated NFC card reader*.
This job release solution offers security for print jobs without the high cost of IT services, middleware, or infrastructure overhead typically required for this type of solution. Retrieve printed documents, with the confidence that they have not been read or copied by anyone else, while meeting document handling guidelines and regulations.
This solution works with Secure Function Lock, which makes it easy to manage adding and removing users in a few simple steps, including setting associated NFC card identification. Users can be set up with a profile that includes access to the machine's functions.
Help reduce printing costs and become more environmentally aware by automatically deleting documents that are not retrieved or printed.
Use Case
Environments that need to ensure the security of printed data, but do not have a sophisticated server network or expensive print management middleware.
* Not compatible with all NFC formats. For a list of compatible NFC formats, see manufacturer’s specifications.
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